LGMA COP26 High Level Segment Statement (10 November 2021)

Delivered by Andy Burnham, Mayor, Greater Manchester, UK

https://unfccc-cop26.streamworld.de/webcast/resumed-high-level-segment-3 (17:27 GMT + 1 / 00:47:47)

Winning the race to net zero requires more ambition than we have heard so far at this COP.

In the last two days, we ask all governments to do more. To go that extra mile.

Left to its own devices, the market will not get us there. So we will need our Governments to have the courage to regulate and, yes, to tax those not paying their fair share.

But we also need them to have the courage to let go where they can – to hand the baton to cities and regions, as this is a race which can only truly be won from the bottom up.

If we only legislate, and leave costs to fall on the individual, there is a path to net zero that takes us to an even more unequal and divided world.

But there is a much better path where we help people with the costs of change; where we give people better housing, public transport and jobs; lower the cost of living and reduce inequality.

Cities are ready to lead this change. Just as the Paris agreement recognised multi-level collaboration, Glasgow must strengthen this call and recognise that it’s time has truly arrived.

So my message to COP26 is this:

Let’s leave Glasgow on the right path.

Free up your cities and regions to lead this revolution.

Let’s achieve climate justice and social justice together – not just a greener world, but a fairer one too.