
Ahmedabad Climate Resilient City Action Plan: Executive Summary
Released during the Urban20 Mayoral Summit in July 2023, the “Ahmedabad Climate Resilient City Action Plan – Towards A Net Zero Future” serves as a comprehensive roadmap to address the local impacts of climate change for the U20 Chair city. This action plan follows ICLEI South Asia’s Net-Zero ClimateResilientCITIES Methodology and was developed under the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation-funded CapaCITIES project.

State of Cities: Towards Low Carbon and Resilient Pathways
Released during the Urban20 Mayoral Summit in July 2023, the State of Cities: Towards Low Carbon and Resilient Pathways report was prepared as a collaboration effort between the ICLEI South Asia and the National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA) and sheds light on the climate-related issues confronting 15 Indian cities from a global perspective. Through captivating graphics, the report presents a comprehensive overview of electricity consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and energy-related issues within these cities, while also highlighting the climate initiatives and strategies being implemented.

LGMA Statements at the First Global Stocktake’s 3rd Technical Dialogue (GST TD1.3)
Participating in opening and closing plenaries—as well as roundtables on mitigation, adaptation, implementation, and holistic approaches (plus a poster session)—the LGMA highlighted the #Stocktake4ClimateEmergency as a key mechanism for lending local-level ground-truthing to the Global Stocktake and elevated the need for local-national cooperation, accelerated adaptation, and finance reform.
RegionsAdapt Progress Report 2021-2022
Launched in 2015 at COP21 and coordinated by Regions4, RegionsAdapt is the pioneering initiative that brings together leading states and regions on climate change adaptation. Through data analysis from 32 regions paired with 8 qualitative interviews, the 2021-2022 report focuses on capturing the actions and progress of subnational governments to adapt to climate change risks.
Synthesis Report on Adaptation Actions
The 2019 “Adaptation Book” gives an overview of adaptation actions actually implemented in the territories, in a selection of sectors and economic sectors, and finally available elements estimating investments and adaptation financing needs of non-state actors.
Report Climate Change Adaptation in a Multi-level Governance Context: A Perspective from Subnational Governments
Climate action is undertaken by multiple actors across multiple levels of governance and for this reason climate governance has been established as a multi-level governance (MLG) process. But to what extent is MLG delivering climate-resilient outputs? What are the challenges that MLG brings, and how can subnational governments deal with and further address these challenges?
Synthesis report on climate action by local and subnational governments
Local and subnational governments have demonstrated in 2019 an escalation of political and technical contributions to the global efforts in the fight against climate change. This report provides a synthesis of mitigation and adaptation progress elements through local governments’ initiatives and networks, case studies of cities and regions aligning their public policies to reach climate and urban development objectives, and “around the world in 80 climate initiatives” illustrating the trends of actions in 10 local public policies.
From Talanoa Dialogue to NDCs: Shifting climate ambition through multilevel action
As national governments move towards the 2020 revision of the NDCs, the legacy of COP24 will drive the local climate advocacy agenda for 2019. COP24 in Katowice gave us a detailed rulebook on implementing the Paris Agreement and concluded the year-long Talanoa Dialogue, bringing local and regional governments into the consultation process. This report covers the key outcomes of COP24 and the 2019 Climate Advocacy Agenda.
Leveraging subnational action to raise climate ambition
This synthesis report offers guidance and context around how national governments can leverage subnational climate efforts in support of national goals. Drawing on the outcomes of more than 60 multilevel dialogues – the Cities and Regions Talanoa Dialogues – this document highlights the value of multilevel climate action, inclusive policy making and the Talanoa process.
Model outcomes from the Cities and Regions Talanoa Dialogue
These outcomes highlight the knowledge gained through the Dialogue process, and provide a model for organizing outputs.
The Cities and Regions Talanoa Dialogues convene local, regional and national governments to drive multilevel climate action in a rapidly urbanizing world. Through these dialogues, local and regional governments are engaging in stocktaking efforts and helping strengthen climate action at all levels, from global to local.
Local and regional governments have a key role in climate action and dialogues happening at the subnational, national and global levels. Local and regional governments are intent on advancing climate action across the world. They are transforming urban areas into low emission, climate resilient spaces that safeguard the long term interests of their citizens.
Model outcomes from the Cities and Regions Talanoa Dialogue
These outcomes highlight the knowledge gained through the Dialogue process, and provide a model for organizing outputs.
Talanoa Dialogues in Africa
Advancing coordinated action between national, subnational and international actors
Talanoa Dialogue in Brazil
In Brazil, the Talanoa Dialogue should focus on the implementation of the Nationally Determined Contribution – NDC (MMA, 2017)
Talanoa Dialogue in Mexico
Talanoa Dialogue in Accra
The National Association of Local Authorities of Ghana (NALAG)expressed their interestto undertake furtherTalanoa Dialoguesin the near future.
Get informed
Learn more about the Talanoa Dialogue and how cities and regions are contributing through multilevel climate discussions.
Talanoa is a traditional approach used in Fiji and the Pacific to engage in an inclusive, participatory and transparent dialogue (for more information, see decision 1/CP.23, annex II).
At COP21, a decision was made to convene a Facilitative Dialogue among Parties in 2018 to take stock of the collective efforts of Parties on the goals of the Paris Agreement, and to inform the preparation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). Building on this mandate, it was decided to have this dialogue be known as the Talanoa Dialogue, launching it to start from January 2018 to culminate at COP24.
More information can be found in the following resources:
- Talanoa and beyond: Raising ambition with Cities and Regions, joint policy briefing by ICLEI, GIZ and UN-Habitat
- Urbanet article: Fostering Multilevel Governance: The Cities and Regions Talanoa Dialogues
- How ICLEI supports integrated Monitoring, Reporting and Verifying (MRV)
- Boosting subnational climate action through new climate governance: 2017 carbonn Climate Registry report
- Enabling subnational climate action through multilevel governance: a policy brief by ICLEI, GIZ and UN-Habitat
- Sustainable urbanization in the Paris Agreement: Comparative review of nationally determined contributions for urban content, by UN-Habitat (special partner to the Cities and Regions Talanoa Dialogues)
- Call for Vertical Integration of Local Authorities, by Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy (special partner to the Cities and Regions Talanoa Dialogues)
- ICLEI’s GreenClimateCities (GCC) program
- carbonn Climate Registry (cCR)
- City Climate Planner Certificate Program
- Cities and Regions Talanoa Dialogues reporting guide
- The ICLEI Montreal Commitment and Strategic Vision 2018-2024
Talanoa Dialogues
UNFCCC landing pages on inputs to the Talanoa Dialogue
ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability
- Summary
- Question 1 – Where are we?
- Question 2 – Where do we want to go?
- Question 3 – How do we get there?
ICLEI submission on behalf of the Cities and Regions Talanoa Dialogues
Joint ICLEI-GIZ-UN Habitat
Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy
Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction
Association Climate Chance
Future Ocean Alliance
Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT) and Paris Process on Mobility and Climate (PPMC)
We Are Still In
US Climate Alliance
State of California
FMDV for CCFLA Secretariat
International Association of Public Transport (UITP)
Sustainable Energy Policy Division, Environment Department, Nagano Prefectural Government
The Climate Group/Under2 Coalition
ICLEI and partners are hosting a webinar series to share updates and ensure coordination among the Local Governments and Municipal Authorities Constituency (LGMA) members and partners on the organization of Cities and Regions Talanoa Dialogues.
Webinars in 2018
21 February
First ICLEI webinar on Cities and Regions Talanoa Dialogues. See full powerpoint here.
- at 10am CET: see live recording
- at 4pm CET: see live recording
21 March
Second ICLEI webinar on Cities and Regions Talanoa Dialogues. See full powerpoint here.
- at 10am CET: see live recording here
- at 4pm CET: see live recording here
18 April
Third ICLEI webinar on Cities and Regions Talanoa Dialogues. See full powerpoint here.
- at 10am CEST: see live recording here
16 May
Fourth ICLEI webinar on Cities and Regions Talanoa Dialogues. See full powerpoint here.
- at 10am CET
- at 4pm CET: see live recording here
5 September
Fifth ICLEI webinar on Cities and Regions Talanoa Dialogues. See full powerpoint here.
- at 10am CET: see live recording here
- at 4pm CET: see live recording here
26 September
Sixth ICLEI webinar on Cities and Regions Talanoa Dialogues. See full powerpoint here.
- at 10am CET: see live recording here
- at 4pm CET: see live recording here
7 November
Seventh ICLEI webinar on Cities and Regions Talanoa Dialogues. See full powerpoint here.
- at 4pm CET: see live recording here
28 November
Local Governments and Municipal Authorities (LGMA) 8th Webinar Towards COP24. See full powerpoint here.
- at 4pm CET: See live recording here.
Webinars in 2019
23 January 2019
Local Governments and Municipal Authorities (LGMA) COP24 Debriefing and towards COP25. See the full powerpoint here.
- at 10am CET: See live recording here.
- at 4pm CET: See live recording here.
20 February 2019
Local Governments and Municipal Authorities (LGMA) webinar towards COP25. See the full powerpoint here.
- at 10am CET: See live recording here.
- at 4pm CET: See live recording here.
20 March 2019
Local Governments and Municipal Authorities (LGMA) webinar towards COP25. See the full powerpoint here.
- at 4pm CET: See live recording here.
17 April 2019
Local Governments and Municipal Authorities (LGMA) webinar towards COP25. See the full powerpoint here.
- at 10am CEST: See live recording here.
- at 4pm CEST: See live recording here.
15 May 2019
Local Governments and Municipal Authorities (LGMA) webinar towards COP25. See the full powerpoint here.
- at 4pm CEST: See live recording here.
- CityTalk post: The Talanoa route to new climate governance
- CityTalk post: When science meets policy and practice: Top 3 ways to achieve Paris Goals
- CitiesIPCC Conference video: Announcing the first 20+ confirmed Cities and Regions Talanoa Dialogues
- UNFCCC media coverage on the Cities and Regions Talanoa Dialogues launched at the 9th World Urban Forum in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Africa Cities and Regions Talanoa Dialogues outcomes report
- Mexico City, Mexico Talanoa outcomes report
- Sao Paulo, Brazil Talanoa outcomes report
- Cities and Regions Talanoa Dialogues India and Bangladesh
Get involved
In this section…
During COP 23, LMGA interventions were delivered by:
- Mayor of Bonn Ashok-Alexander Sridharan
- ICLEI Senior Climate Advocacy Officer Jisun Hwang
- LGMA Constituency Focal Point Yunus Arikan
The links to UNFCCC webcasts and interventions can be found below.
- 6 November COP 23 Opening Ceremony
- 6 November COP 23/CMP 13/CMA 1.2 plenaries
- 6 November – Joint SBSTA/SBI plenaries
- 7 November APA resumption plenary
- 7 November COP 23 and CMP 13 plenaries
- 11 November COP/CMP/CMA/SBSTA/SBI/APA stocktaking plenary
- 14 November SBSTA/SBI closing plenary
- 16 November – High Level Segment of COP 23/CMP 13/CMA 1.2
- 17 November COP 23 and CMA 1.2 plenaries
- 18 November APA suspension plenary
- 18 November COP/CMP/CMA closing and suspension plenaries
Marrakech Partnership Webcasts
- UNFCCC information on the MPGCA
- Programme of GCA events during COP 23 – Outline
- 2017 Yearbook
- 2017 Summary foe Policy Makers
- Outcomes of Human Settlements Thematic Day
- Outcomes of High Level Dialogue on SDG11
- Human Settlements (video)
- Transport (video)
- SDG11 and Climate Action (video)
- 13 November Monday – GCA Press Conference on SDG11 with Mayor of Bonn (video)
- 13 November Monday – GCA High Level Segment Opening with Governor Brown and Mayor of Seoul (video)
- 15 November – Marrakech partners Bula Zone High Level Closing with Mayor of Bonn and First Premier of Scotland (video)
COP 23 Webinars
- 1st Webinar: Monday, 24 April 2017, 10:00 and 16:00 CEST
- 2nd Webinar: Thursday, 22 June 2017, 10:00 and 16:00 CEST
- 3rd Webinar: Tuesday, 29 August 2017, 10:00 and 16:00 CEST
- 4th Webinar: Friday, 6 October 2017, 10:00 and 16:00 CEST
- 5th Webinar: Thursday, 26 October 2017, 10:00 and 16:00 CEST
- 6th Webinar – Outcomes: Thursday, 7 December 2017, 10:00 and 16:00 CEST
UNFCCC Press Conferences Webcasts
- 11 November Saturday – Press Conference on Human Settlements with Mayor of Pittsburgh
- 12 November Sunday – Press Conference of Leaders Summit and Global Covenant
- 12 November Sunday – Press Conference C40
- 13 November – Press Conference UNFCCC Financial Times – Future of Mobility with Deputy Mayor of Oslo
- 13 November – UNFCCC press Conference with US Governors
- UNFCCC information on the press
Side events
Climate Action Studio interviews