Vincent Chauvet, Mayor of Autun, France

I am Vincent Chauvet, mayor of Autun (France), and member of the European Committee of the Regions, the European Union institution representing elected officials from cities and regions. I speak today on behalf of the Local Government and Municipal Authorities (LGMA) constituency.
Thanks to the voluntarism, leadership and ambition of the Presidency, COP28 has already taken a significant step forward in advancing the mechanisms necessary for the implementation of multi-level climate action, concretely associating local and regional levels.
In particular, the CHAMP initiative (Coalition for High Ambition Multilevel Partnerships) supported to date by 66 countries, as well as the ministerial meeting on urbanization and climate change are strong markers of the desire to truly include the level local and regional.
This desire must now be explicitly included in the text of the final decision of COP28 as well as in the Global Assessment (GST). There must be a clear reference to the need for States to actively involve and effectively include local and regional levels in the development of the next NDCs expected for 2025.
We call on all States, and in particular the 66 signatories of the CHAMP initiative, to include this requirement clearly and explicitly in the texts and thus support the Presidency’s ambition for multi-level climate action.