Cities & Regions

All voices matter in the climate emergency

❤️ Inclusive, fair climate action
🌱 Circular cities where people and nature thrive
🌍The world's first country to honor the Paris Agreement
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A message from today's partner

Putting people at the heart of international climate action

Climate justice can’t happen without the people for whom this justice is intended. We cannot presume to speak on their behalf or take decisions on their behalf if we ourselves are not part of their communities. We need to help the money flow where it is needed most, but also fund projects and interventions that are actually useful.

It's important to discover what local communities already know, not impose answers from above. Additionally, to be truly sustainable, interventions need to be maintained, and if communities are included from the beginning, they are also able to take ownership of the maintenance.

These were some of the key comments that came out a session yesterday and it rings true as we look at today's themes around inclusive climate action. 

Today will also focus on the need for circularity. Our resources are finite and a circular economy approach helps to keep materials in circulation, making things last. We'll be hosting a key session in this discussion this afternoon at 15:00 GMT. Creating a Circular Scotland will explore what is required to rethink how we use resources and implement circular strategies to reduce our consumption footprint and tackle the climate crisis around the world.

Iain Gulland, Chief Executive, Zero Waste Scotland will lead a discussion on what is required to rethink how we use resources and implement circular strategies to reduce our consumption footprint and tackle the climate crisis around the world.
View the schedule

#Time4MultilevelAction at COP26

The future of Africa lies in its cities 

Despite its limited contribution to climate change, sub-Saharan Africa is doing its part to address the problem, while at the same time, trying to adapt to and build resilience against the impacts of climate change already pronounced in the region.
Read more

Sessions not to miss today

We have agreed. Will You? - Citizens’ Recommendations for Fair and Effective Action on Climate Change 

11:30 - 13:00 GMT
When ordinary people get together to learn about climate change and make recommendations on action, what do they decide? What recommendations do they consider effective and fair?

Towards More Inclusive and Fair Climate Action - A Multilevel and Multigenerational Europe   

13:00 - 15:00 GMT
Local government leaders at the forefront of the just, circular and nature-based transitions showcase tangible examples of how this can be done in practice.

If you missed a session, navigate to the replay tab on the platform to watch again.

Essential COP26 reading

How The Gambia became the first country set to fully honor the Paris Agreement 
The inclusion of subnational governments played a crucial part in making this tiny African country's NDC ambitious enough to meet all the goals.
Building new partnerships for circular economy in Kawasaki
Circularity is not a new concept in Japan. National sustainability policy is focusing on three simultaneous transitions, to a decarbonized society, a decentralized society, and a circular economy.

Cities & Regions in the spotlight

“What is different about this moment is the fact that we’re seeing the necessity of multilevel alignment. It’s critical. In the Canadian context, we have an incredible opportunity right now. The Canadian federal  government has already made progress with the 'Zero Emission Transit Fund'. And we know where we need to go further.”

Carole Saab, Federaion of Canadian Municipalities

Keeping 1.5 degrees alive

Join the UN High-Level Champions and COP26 Presidency for 'Destination 2030'
A stocktake of what has been achieved at COP26 so far, exploring what’s necessary and what’s already underway to keep 1.5 alive.
Easy-to-share renewables facts 
Spread the word about the potential of renewables more easily with this fact sheet featuring solar, hydrogen, waste-to-energy and more.
A smooth ride to renewables
This policy brief proposes seven actions and solutions for public transport to address emissions and air pollution.

"This is a reality check. Lots has happened with renewable energy, but the reality is that the share of fossil fuels in final energy consumption has not moved and is still at more than 80%. This is an important message also at the city level—energy savings, efficiency and renewables is not enough, fossil fuels must also be phased out."

Rana Adib, REN21

Share your experience

Share your experience at the online pavilion with your network!

Visit our Trello board for all the assets you need to create social media posts about your participation in the event.

Don’t forget to tag @ICLEI and @ICLEI_advocacy

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The in-person Multilevel Action Pavilion is in the Blue Zone. Hall 4c, Pavilion 51

The Multilevel Action Pavilion is made possible by a host of partners.
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